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This school year looks very different for students, parents, and teachers. Here are some back-to-school tips to make this unusual year a little easier.
#1 Getting Back Into It: Effective Routines
After many months of no school, it’s natural that the routines you and your family had established have slipped away. Ruth gives tips for getting the mornings, after school, evenings, and bedtime routines back in place.
#2 Getting and Staying Organized
This year is already hectic enough; getting your child’s binders, backpack, and desk organized – and having them stay that way – will give you all one less thing to worry about. Ruth explains some tips on how to accomplish this.
#3 Motivation for a New School Year
How do you keep your kids motivated during a school year that is unlike any other before? Ruth talks about the differences between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and techniques you can use to keep students engaged and excited to learn.
#4 Tech Tools for Learning
Since much, or all, of your child’s schooling will be online this year, it helps to know the various online tools that are available to you and your child to provide assistance and make learning more fun. Ruth outlines a few of these tools, and how they can be used.
#5 Getting the Most out of Virtual Lessons
You may be wondering how to ensure that your child gets the most out of their virtual lessons and can stay on top of their learning. Ruth introduces tips for both parents and students so that everyone is prepared for, and makes the most of, online learning.